Delavan Lake Assembly Park - Notices

DLA - In Search of Spaghetti Dinner Notes
April 24, 2024

Friends and Neighbors,

Please join us on Wednesday May 1 at 7pm for our May Monthly Meeting.

The call for candidates is still open for this years Board of Directors election. We are also seeking two leaseholders to form the election committee. If you are interested in helping please contact

Spring is here and our new beach piers are getting ready to be installed. I have attached a coupe of pictures.

We are looking forward to seeing all of you on Wednesday.


DLA - In Search of Spaghetti Dinner Notes
April 24, 2024

Good Morning AP Friends,

With our summer season creeping up, we are planning for our Memorial Day events. Peggy Culloton Coghlan and the Culloton And Lowery Team have stepped up to host the spaghetti dinner 🍝 this year and are in need of any notes, supply lists etc. from past dinners. Please send to Peggy @

They will also need lots of help with set up-serving-clean up. Please let Peggy know how you would like to help make this a great event! ❤️

Jeannie LaMarre
AP Auxiliary Secretary

DLA - Winter Project Update
March 7, 2024

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Although it is only early March, flowers are starting to peak their heads out in Assembly Park, assuring us that summer is not far away! Get ready for the 126th summer of the Delavan Lake Assembly!

While the Park has been quiet this winter, there has been a lot of activity that we wanted to share with you. At our February meeting, the Assembly Hall committee presented to the Board their recommendations for an architect to develop initial plans for a potential new Assembly Hall. ALA Architects were recommended and contracted for this exciting task! Since then, the leadership of the Assembly Park Hall committee, working closely with our Auxiliary, has developed a comprehensive initial list of the needs, wants, and hopes for our new hall. This list will provide a framework for our initial discussions with our architect in early April, our next step to imagining a new hall for Assembly Park.

This mild winter has provided Rob with the gift of additional time to concentrate his efforts on the creation of new piers for our beachfront. Rob is well ahead of schedule, and we plan to have the new and improved piers installed this spring! We are so fortunate to have Rob’s talents, and thankful that we will have new, safer piers to enjoy this summer, crafted by Rob at a great savings to our community.

Thanks to a generous gift from the fundraising efforts of our Auxiliary, we continue along with our plan to convert the old blacktop play court in the Big Park into two new half-court basketball courts and two pickleball courts. We continue to work with vendors to secure the needed equipment and construction to make this a reality, and with the support of some additional donors, we hope to complete the project this summer!

We look forward to seeing you online this April 3 at 7:30 for the start of our regularly scheduled monthly meetings, and in the near future, back at Assembly Park! Our thanks to all that have been working so hard for our community during the Winter and thanks in advance to all that will volunteer to serve our community this summer through various activities and events!

Welcome to the 126th season of the Delavan Lake Assembly and welcome home!

The Assembly Park Board of the Directors

DLA February Board Meeting
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
@ 7p.m. C.S.T.


As previously announced, we have decided to conduct a mid-winter board meeting. The meeting will be held on Wednesday February 7th at 7pm ct.

We look forward to seeing all of you on Wednesday evening.

February Agenda
Delavan Lake Assembly
Board of Directors Meeting
Date: February 7, 2024 7:00 pm

Meeting Called to Order
Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of the Minutes


Tom Fiedler – Request made at the annual meeting for a list of projects that resulted in tree removal.

During the annual meeting I requested a list of projects that resulted in the removal of trees over the past several years. This would include new homes, remodels driveway extensions, or any other project resulting in trees being removed.

I have yet to receive that information.

Please advise.

Tom Fiedler

Good morning.

I have yet to hear back on the below request and would like to clarify. I’m not seeking this information directly for myself, but a status report to be published to the assembly. Please let me know if this will be added to the agenda.


We do not keep a list of trees that have been removed. Is there a reason you need a list?


Good morning. I have tried to go back to the annual meeting minutes and audio file to clarify my request. Unfortunately, it appears that the audio portion is not available. Would someone please send me the link to the audio portion of the meeting?

Once I have that, I will send the board my response to your inquiry.


Greg, in response to your comment "We do not keep a list of trees that have been removed. Is there a reason you need a list?", I offer the following. At or around the 1:22:02 mark John makes mention that not only does Jim keep record of the trees being removed as part of a project but Rob also keeps track of trees.

Can I please get a list of trees that have been removed due to construction, remodel, sickness, driveway improvements, etc?


Dear Mr. Fiedler,

Thank you for reaching out with your request regarding a list of trees that have been removed from the park due to construction, illness, etc. In your letter, you stated that you had requested this information at the annual meeting. From the transcripts, your question reads as follows:

“Who is keeping track of when construction is done who is keeping track of the trees being planted? The replacement of those trees” “Who is keeping track of the trees that were cut down for construction, illness, whatever?”

My response was “with construction this is part of what Jim tracks working with each one. Also Rob works with us when trees go down in the Parks they are replaced. For each of those trees that have gone down because of storms it’s almost a one for one replacement. Jim is checking with each construction when they are removing on the site either assess to have another one placed in the park or back in the ground”

Our monthly minutes reflect all approved construction in the park. When the project will result in a tree(s) being removed, it is noted in the minutes and, if the tree(s) cannot be replaced on the property (in accordance with the DLA Rules), the leaseholder is assessed according to the DLA Rules, and the funds used to place a new tree in the park.

When a tree on a leaseholder’s property is removed due to illness, it is traditionally verified by Rob and Ginner tree services, approved by the Board, and is removed. The DLA Rules do not require the leaseholder to replace the tree. If a healthy tree is removed by a leaseholder, it must be approved by the Board, and the leaseholder assessed, as per the DLA Rules.

Trees lost in the park due to illness and storm damage are reported to the Board by Rob and accounted for in his caretaker’s report. The minutes reflect the number of trees replaced due these occurrences.

When Greg initially responded to you regarding your request, asking the reason for this concern, there was no response. If there is an issue or concern that needs to be addressed, I would appreciate a response. Additionally, we are still awaiting feedback or a response from you regarding our response to your two previous inquiries specific to the roads and Assembly Hall’s readiness for the annual meeting. While I appreciate your engagement and outreach, it seems that these communications seems to be more centered on finding fault other than finding solutions.

As I have expressed before, I would be more than willing to have a more in depth conversation with you to best understand your concerns, and explore how we can best move forward together to best serve all leaseholders in Assembly Park. Please let me know if you would like to meet, either by phone or in person. I welcome the opportunity to visit.


John A. Glimco
& The DLA Board of Directors

Dotti Bruno – Board Meeting Minutes 10/18/2024

Hello Board of Directors:

Just to make you aware, I was recently on the Assembly Park website to review some audio minutes and noticed that there were no audio minutes that I could access for our Annual Meeting in June. Please advise, as I maybe doing something wrong in trying to retrieve this information.

Taking this into account, I cannot go without letting you know how very disappointed I am regarding the Board of Directors' decision to NOT have written minutes of the Annual Meeting or any regular Board Meetings. I strongly feel that as leaseholders, we are entitled to written documentation, not just audio reports, of these meetings.

It is an important function of the Board to keep us properly informed. Under this new change, I don't feel this is properly being done, and lacks the transparency the Board has always claimed to represent. Yes, I understand the importance and benefits of technology, but I don't feel that audio reports ONLY are effectively doing the job of keeping us informed. I know I am not alone on this issue, and I hope you will reconsider issuing written minutes for future meetings. Not only is this important now, but for posterity.

Your consideration is greatly appreciated.



The link to the audio file was broken. I contacted Jerry and it is now fixed. Just so I am clear. You feel a written summary of the meeting is more transparent than the actual recording with a guide to where in the transcript the discussion is located?


Greg Selep


Thank you for your timely response, I would like, however, a little more of a response on my request for a written summary of the meeting notes.

I understand that perhaps half of our Assembly Park leaseholders prefer to use electronic communication, and I am not opposed too that. The other half of the leaseholders regret that long-term traditions are being cast aside. How about a compromise? Maybe you will do both, i.e. an audio file and a one page written summary and post both on the website?

Thank you for your consideration.

Dottie Bruno


I will add you to the correspondence for the April (February) Board Meeting and we will discuss. You are also welcome to submit a speaker request. I too would have liked a little more of a response to my request on why you think a written summary of the meeting is more transparent than the actual recording with a guide to where in the transcript the discussion is located. But we can discuss that in April.

Greg Selep

First, I still do not understand how posting the actual meeting can be viewed as anything but 100% transparent. As for the request for a “one-page written summary” We are already providing a written summary document produced from the agenda. It contains a list of any correspondence, speaker request, construction request as well as all the committee reports, and any vote taken as well as a time stamp as to where the agenda item discussion occurred in the audio file. So, Dotti please review that document and provide specifically what you think is missing. As to the “the importance of posterity” the previous board took up to 3 weeks to post meeting minutes and they would only be available on the website until the next meeting minutes were submitted. So, if a leaseholder wanted to review a past meeting, whether a monthly or annual meeting it was their responsibility to download the meeting minutes and store them. This board is posting the audio meeting minutes within a couple of days of the meeting. We have also created an archive of all the meeting minutes and guides. So, they are available for prosperity. I am happy to do something that has a benefit, but I think you are confusing transparency with nostalgia.

Dotti if you can explain why, you think posting the actual meeting is not transparent? Why does the current summary document not meet your expectations? What changes do you want to that document and what benefits the changes would provide I am happy to discuss making those changes.

Mary O’Connor

I just received a bill from Niewenheus for $65 for a special garbage pick. furniture and things. However, I see people just leaving their large items at the dump on Assembly Lane. I am guessing that is paid by the HOA, not the leaseholder. Is that something I should do going forward to avoid a bill? It really doesn't seem fair to everyone when some just leave large items at the dump. Or stuff their large items in the oversized bins.

Dear Mary,

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving celebration!

Thank you for reaching out to us with this question regarding trash collection.. And thank you for correctly following the required practices for the disposal of large items.

The community dumpsters continue to be for disposal of regular household garbage, not large furniture items or construction materials. We send out reminders twice annually regarding this, generally early in the Spring as individuals are preparing to open up their cabins, and again in the fall when we transition from home trash collection. Individuals caught dumping large household items in the bins on Assembly Lane are charged for the collection, and at times, fined.

Rob does a wonderful job of watching out for those who might not be aware of this policy, yet he cannot monitor the bins at all times, nor should he be expected to. Our community seems to be following these guidelines quite well, with Rob reporting there have been very few violations.

Have a wonderful holiday season!

John Glimco

Speaker Requests

Construction Requests
Joan Pearson 1603 Polk- Roof repair/ replace - emergency approval
Lisa Gallagher – 1605 Polk – Roof – Approved via email
Dean Bestul - 1114 Sioux - Remove entangled tree – Approved
Paul Nelson – 1503 Lincoln – Window replacement – Approved emergency via email
Mary Scurio – 1505 State – Window replacement - Approved emergency via email
Dan Watts – 1611 Wall – Tear down
Bridget McKendry – 1609 Monroe – Stair repair/replace
Annie Schweitzler – 1305 Evergreen – Roof - Approved emergency via email
Katie Rauh – 1616 Wall – Remove two dead oak trees

New Lease Transfers: Greg Selep
1507 Field – Cejka Trust to Sean and Stacy Moore – scheduled for 2/9
1405 Lincoln – Estate of Mary Sears to The Delavan Trust (children) – pending
1414 Indian Trail – Kurt Kiekhafer – refinance - pending

Treasure’s Report: Katie O’Halloran

Caretaker’s Report: Rob Mohr

Committee Reports
Auxiliary: Jessica Gray

Building and Construction: Jim Ignoffo

Piers and Waterfront: Katie Bonk

Parks: Katie Bonk

Rules and Bylaws: Dennis Coghlan

Roads: Greg Selep
i. Stone added. Budget input

Parks Leaseholder Committee – Jorge Cordova

i. Beach Pier Replacement

Assembly Hall Leaseholder Committee – Jim Ignoffo / Kathleen Fiedler

Safety Leaseholder Committee – Dennis Coghlan

Old Business
New Directory Update

New Business
a. HAOWEI INTERNATIONAL LIMITED – is a Hong Kong based private company looking to register assemblypark as their brand name

Leaseholder Comments

Upcoming Events and Announcements

Date for Next Meeting
Wednesday April 3, 2024 7:30pm


Greg Selep

DLA February Board Meeting
January 11, 2024

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! It looks like winter is finally coming to Assembly Park, with a few rounds of snow this week! For our Sunbirds, you don’t know the fun you're missing! Yet the Park looks wonderful, and thanks to Rob, safe to visit and try sledding in Winter’s Park.

This is just a quick reminder that we will have a Regular Meeting of the Assembly Park Board on Wednesday, February 7 at 7:00 pm Central. There are several items to address, from construction projects requiring approval, to an update from our Assembly Park Hall Committee. With the advantage of online meetings, we are no longer dependent on scheduling meetings “when the water is on” in the park, and we can also avoid an overcrowded agenda in April. Plus, it would be great to see you all! A full agenda will be forthcoming in advance of the meeting, with a ZOOM link. Speakers and construction requests should be forwarded in advance, following normal guidelines.

We look forward to seeing you on February 7 or sooner up at the Park! Take care, and again, Happy New Year!

The Assembly Park Board of Directors